Sri Andalas Christian Fellowship History

Our CF started off way back in 2003 with our leader, Johnathan Tan, followed by David Yong, Melanie Yong, Jaron Tan, Irin Tan and David Yap.

While Mr. Johnathan Tan was leading our CF, we were official in our school, but unfortunately, the school shut us down after that. Although it was a HUGE blow to our membership, WE PERSEVERED! They (school) would announce on the intercom 'All students who are in block A, please leave the school", but by the faithfulness of God, we stayed. We actually made an impression till' the school also WORRIED , it was always about God and God protected us. After the brother and sister duo, David and Melanie Yong, rocked our socks off!!

In the year 2008, JARON TAN came to lead. When it came to Mr. Jaron Tan, it was time for a MIND BLASTING decision. We changed venue! Because God provided us with a TENT in TAMAN RAKYAT, we walk there every Friday.

In the year of 2009, IRIN TAN leads us for the whole year. She was a great leader.

In the year of 2010, David Yap is our coordinator and with David Foo as assistant coordinator. That's right, The David Duo. We alsocconduct Recess Revolution all the time this year. We share and also show love to the people in school.

In the year of 2011, Tan Su May (our youngest cf coordinator in our history) will be leading. let's pray for God to do His works through her in our school and become an awesome leader..

our next history is SRI ANDALAS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP official once again!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

RR in Action!

4 Day RR Stretch!

HEY PEOPLE! Long time since we had an update yea but hey we got news for you! We had our four days straight of RR cleaning the school and stuff starting on 14th until the 17th December. We actually planned to continue until the 18th, but since it was a holiday, our Guru Penolong Kanan told us to rest on Friday. Credit has to go to Foo Chin Toong who initially plucked up the courage and boldness to approach the Pengetua with this idea explaining to her what RR’s all about and finally securing us wit the permission to go back for the holidays. =D

And so this is how it went down! Going back to the traditional karangan er...that Karangan where you put the date and write about the stuff that went on la! Can't remember now for the life of me... Haha well anyway, here goes!

14th Dec.

Four big boys cleaned up, removed tables, and arranged tables for a class. Eventhough it was only the four of us, some of the guys finally got the chance to hold a broom for the first time! It was a good first day to kick off our 4 day RR run in SMK Sri Andalas with a very encouraging response from our Penolong Kanan as well.

15th Dec.

Three people came back to remove the outdated notices on the notice boards of our school. It may seem like a small thing but hey!who wants outdated notices right? HAHA.

16th Dec.

On this day we had the most amount of members joining us which basically meant most of our CF. We started off the day by cleaning up the prefects’ room not knowing the makmal makcik of the school was silently spying on us xD Just as we finished, in came running the makmal makcik asking us if we could help her move some stuff in the makmal. In the end we ended up lifting some oven chemical making thingy (forgive my chemistry! xD) into a store room which took some serious muscle on the part of two of our ever so macho RR members. Haha well anyways right after, our PK HEM called us up to nail new lapis mejas for our canteen tables. That’s a total of like 15-20 tables! With less than 10 members! Haha, nothing’s impossible for God right? So in the end we ended finishing it eventhough most of us had to leave, with only two remaining macho guys finishing up the nailing xD After that it was back home..even for the 2 macho guys, walking back with smiles on their faces knowing that they’ve helped another person despite the fact they were tired. I believe that it was so for everyone else who helped as well :)

17th Dec.

After having breakfast fellowshipping with one another, the party headed off to school. Upon our arrival, we found out that we were supposed to paint walls =O But our principal told us to rearrange the tables in the hall instead since our hall is made up of five classes. Thank God arr, if not I think it would have been too much temptation for all those vandalizers of our RR group xP When we didn’t have enough tables on the ground floor, we needed to transfer tables from the 3rd floor of the school building down to the hall which is on the ground floor btw! Even though most of us were very tired, all of us enjoyed the time we spent hauling tables. At the end of the day, the Pengetua met up with us and gave us the good news that we were all going to receive sijils for our hard work during the holidays. I honestly believe that this is one more step closer to changing my school for God’s purpose. Just the fact that she has decided to award us with sijils tells me that she is acknowledging that a group of Christians have come back to bless the school. I hope that this acknowledgement will evolve into an acceptance and finally into an official CF for the students of my school. This is just another testament to how God can bring in blessing with just one step of faith and belief in Him.

P/S. Pictures will be out very soon! =D

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